Resolving Inflammation at Its Source
PLURACURE is pioneering revolutionary approaches to treat chronic inflammatory conditions by targeting the root molecular mechanisms that drive persistent inflammation.

Beyond Symptom Suppression: Resolving Chronic Inflammation
Traditional anti-inflammatory treatments broadly suppress immune function, leading to side effects and incomplete relief. PLURACURE's approach is fundamentally different.
Targeted Resolution Pathways
Our treatments activate the body's natural inflammation resolution pathways, actively ending inflammatory processes rather than merely suppressing them.
Tissue-Specific Approach
We've developed delivery systems that target specific inflamed tissues, maximizing therapeutic effect while minimizing systemic exposure.
Regenerative Promotion
Our compounds not only resolve inflammation but actively promote tissue repair and regeneration, addressing the damage caused by chronic inflammation.
Pioneering Discoveries in Inflammation Research
Our research team has made several groundbreaking discoveries that are transforming our understanding and treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions:
No research breakthroughs yet.
Targeting Major Inflammatory Conditions
Our research program is focused on developing treatments for these challenging chronic inflammatory conditions:
No focus areas yet.
Translating Research into Treatments
Our promising research discoveries are rapidly advancing through clinical development:
No active clinical trials yet.
Visualizing Inflammation Resolution
Advanced imaging techniques reveal the impact of our treatments on tissue inflammation and repair:
No tissue imaging yet.
Research Partnerships
We collaborate with leading academic institutions, research organizations, and industry partners to accelerate our chronic inflammation research.
Explore Partnership OpportunitiesJoin Our Research
Patients with chronic inflammatory conditions can contribute to advancing our research by participating in clinical trials or research studies.
Learn How to ParticipateConnect With Our Research Team
Interested in our chronic inflammation research? Have questions about clinical trials or partnership opportunities? Our team is here to help.